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Our Committees

Participating in our committees is what makes being a member so special.  Each member benefits the community and the Club through their involvement.


Club Officers: Ensures club activities align with our mission and adhere to the Mass Garden Club Federation and state regulations for non-profits

Membership:  Updates & publishes membership list; Assigns Big Buds to new members

Membership Book:  Creates & publishes club's membership yearbook

Newsletter:  Creates & publishes club's newsletter

Technology:  Coordinates club's technology; researches & recommends updates/changes

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Civic Beautification

Downtown & Library Planters: Coordinates planning,purchase, installation & care of seasonal plants in all designated containers

Community Outreach/Events

Art in Bloom:  Organizes & coordinates the biennial art & flower show for the public

Natick Day:  Organizes the Club's booth at Natick Day in the fall

Scholarship: Selects recipients of NGC scholarships

Voices from the Garden: Hort+Culture:  Publishes quarterly newsletter & examines ways to increase club's diversity

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Plant Sale Team:  Plans and organizes annual plant sale; solicits raffle items, volunteers at sale 

Holiday Decorating

Festival of Trees:  Purchases & decorates the club's donation to MassHort's Festival of Trees

Wayside Inn:  Decorates a room at the Wayside Inn

Member Activities

Logo Items:  Coordinates ordering & delivery of gardening apparel with the NGC logo

Member Garden Tours:  Notifies membership about tours of members' gardens

Programs:  Researches & arranges for speaker for monthly meetings

Trip Coordination:  Arranges local & regional horticultural tours

Zoom Hosting:  Operates Zoom at meetings/programs


Photography Crew:  Photographs club events for the newsletter, social media, & the website

Publicity:  Creates & distributes notices of club's activities

Social Media:  Posts & manages club's presence on various social media sites

Website:  Manages the club's website


Annual Meeting/Party:  Organizes uear-end member party

Hospitality:  Arranges refreshments for monthly meetings, Maintains supplies

New Member Tea:  Organizes gathering for new members

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